Tuesday, September 12, 2006

CLASS 8 - Favorite American Literature

What is your favorite piece of American Literature so far? Why do you prefer this particular piece of literature? What makes it so American?

(Remember that literature can come in many different mediums: books, stories, poems, songs, movies, television episodes...)


Mr. Rolapp said...

Dear Areli,

I also love Where The Red Fern Grows. I've read it at least a half-dozen times. I think it's beautiful how much Dan and Ann love each other.

Mr. Rolapp

Mr. Rolapp said...

Hey folks,

I've heard a lot over the years from students and friends (including Ms. Stone--remember her?) about what a great artist Tupac is. Unfortunately though, I don't know very much about his work myself. Does anyone have any Tupac poetry/writing that they could post here or send to my email?

Mr. Rolapp

Mr. Rolapp said...

Uneak, I wish I knew who you are!!! I also love Dickenson and Poe. Did you know that Ms. Reilly's favorite author is Emily Dickenson?

Mr. Rolapp said...

Dear Students,

Please remember that "a lot" is always spelled as two words. The word "allot" means "to give out in portions." The word "alot" doesn't exist.

Don't forget!

Mr. Rolapp said...

lil lady g--Who are you? I want to be able to give you points, but I don't recognize your name. Please change your login so that it's recognizable.
