Tuesday, December 05, 2006

GENERAL - "White Flight" and "Gentrification"

What is "white flight?" What is "gentrification?" Which was occuring in the New York Times Article? Which is happening in your neighborhood today? Is either one a good thing? Or are they both inherently racist? How?


ANGEL said...
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ANGEL said...

white flight is often connected to racism. it is basically predjudice its bascially crimes in neighborhoods that are racially mixed. Gentrification is when bad neighborhoods get renovated. Meaning claning up buliding houses etc and generfaction is whats happening in my neighborhood. Today well to me generfaction is a good thing beacuse alot of stuff turn new and it helps out the neighborhood alot. But both white flight and generfaction are racist.

Anonymous said...

white flight is often connected to racism. it is basically predjudice its bascially crimes in neighborhoods that are racially mixed. Gentrification is when bad neighborhoods get renovated.Today well to me generfaction is a good thing beacuse alot of stuff turn new and it helps out the neighborhood alot. But both white flight and generfaction are racist.

Anonymous said...

white flight is upper and middle class americans.( white and non white people looking for homes)
Gentrification is like an increase in property values mostly middle class areas.
I think that the artice is about the white flight movement because it is about non white people looking for homes and how white people pay less and get homes more quickly then the non white people.
I don't think that niether of the two is a good thing because not everybody has the abilty to pay for increaseing rent,property values,

Anonymous said...

i think that in this time gentrification was happening and allthe whites was moving in so the land lords was fixing things up and raising their rent so they can get the money they ued to fixit up back

Anonymous said...

white fligth basiclly is a term used when a group a people moves from one place to another basiclly because there is another group of people living there for example in the new york times article the group of people that moves out is the white people and they move out to avoid contact with the blacks. this is still happening today because for exaple most hispanics live in brooklyn,queens,and the bronx while the whites live in staten island and long island

Anonymous said...

white flight is similar to racism.it is racist and hipocritical.gentrification is when bad nieghboors get renovated.that also happen around my way because of something similar to that. i think it not fair because evrybody should get along no matter what skin color you are.

Anonymous said...

The white fight was a term used to describe discrimination going on at this time period. It was basically a racist thing.This was what they called the hate crimes that were going on IN A RACIALLY MIXED NEIGHBORHOOD. The generfacation was when the nieghborhoods that had a large amount of crime get renovated. The connection between the two is the fact that they are both a racist act.Even thoughthey are both inapropriate some thing good has come out of one(generification),thats is that this act is helping cleaning up the not so exceptable neighborhhods.

Anonymous said...

jennifer wrote dat^

Anonymous said...

"white flight" was basicallt another word for racism it was what the white people used in the 1930s.And gentrification was used to emty out neighborhoods and making them new its used a lot and it gives people opertunities!!!!

its adriana rodriguez

Anonymous said...

White Flag is a term use to say that upper and middle class americans moving into the suburbs. Gentrification is "is a process in which low cost, physically deteriorated neighborhoods experience physical renovation and an increase in property values". None of them are good. They connect to racism.

Anonymous said...

Genesis Salazar

WHite flight: It a contributes to racism that reduces the property value dependin on incresing crim in rascially mixed nieghborhoods.

Gentrification: Is the value lower because of their consisting residents.

Anonymous said...

Tamara>> white flight is like a form of racism it consist of upper and middle class americans. gentrification is also like a rasim but in a diffrent kind of way its mostly consits of the middle class people.. the article manily talks about white flight people i dont think any of this words are good because not everyone can have the ability to live life and have it easy

~iSaBeL~ said...

The white flight is the movement of whites, mostly middle-class whites, from neighborhoods undergoing racial integration. Gentrification is the restoration and upgrading of deteriorated urban property by wealthy people, resulting in displacement of lower-income people. This is similar to the article because the black people in Harlem were forced to pay more so that they wouldnt live there, since they have a low salary.This is all happening in Bushwick, too. Theres a lot of white people that you've never seen before. There was only Black/Hispanic people when I was young. Gentification both bad and partially good. The bad thing is that low income families are going to have to move out and live in bad conditions. The neighborhood is going to be different and the stores will raise the prices of their merchandise so that they can make money off the wealthier people. The poor people wont be able to buy necessary items, and they end up moving. The good thing is that the landlords could get their money so that they can pay for the house bills, since they are VERY expensive. Its sort of racist because since most white people have more "money/power" than us, they take over our places. Poor people are moving out because the white people are coming in...

Anonymous said...

White flight is a colloquial term for the demographic trend of upper and middle class Americans (predominantly white) moving away from inner cities (predominantly non-white), finding new homes in nearby suburbs or even moving to new locales entirely.

Gentrification, or more specifically urban gentrification, is a process in which low-cost, physically deteriorated neighborhoods experience physical renovation and an increase in property values.

In the New York Times articles gentrification was occuring. I think in my neighborhood gentrifications occuring. I think both of them are bad because they both about racism.

Jessica said...

siqmdiWhite flight is a colloquial term for the demographic trend of upper and middle class Americans (predominantly white) moving away from inner cities (predominantly non-white), finding new homes in nearby suburbs or even moving to new locales entirely.

Gentrification, or more specifically urban gentrification, is a process in which low-cost, physically deteriorated neighborhoods experience physical renovation and an increase in property values, along with an influx of wealthier residents who typically replace the prior residents.

In the article , yes gentrification wa happening and its also happening in my neiborhood. yes i think both gentrification and White flight are racist.

-Jessica Jimenez

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

white flight is often connected to racism. it is predjudice its bascially crimes in neighborhoods that are racially mixed. Gentrification is when bad neighborhoods get renovated.thats what i think white flight is.

Anonymous said...

fifth capo

Anonymous said...

5* general

Anonymous said...

White flight is connected to racism most of the time. It's prejudice and ii's basically crimes in racially mixed neighborhood. The neighborhoods were renovated which they called gentrification.

Anonymous said...

young gunz

Anonymous said...

WWhite flight is a term for the demographic trend of white people. It is often connected to racism. Gentrification is the buying and renovation of houses and stores in deteriorated urban neighborhoods by upper or middle income families or individuals thus improving property values but often displacing low income families and small businessman.

Anonymous said...

5 poppin 9 droppin blood lova crip killa see a crip kill a crip what my favorite color drip 031 tree top

*Tamikah* said...

~What is white flight?
White flight is a term for upper class and middle class Americans(mostly caucasians) that move from the inner cities where there are mostly African Americans to new homes in the suburbs where there are more caucasians.
~What is gentrification?
A process in which low cost neighborhoods are renovated and there is an increase in property values.As a result wealthier residents replace prior residents.
The New York Times article was basically describing gentrification, taking place in Harlem.I do not think that either white flight or gentrification is a good thing.They are both racist terms.In the caes of white flight there are white people moving into suburbs where they feel more comfortable with peolpe of their race.

*Tamikah* said...

~What is white flight?
White flight is a term for upper class and middle class Americans(mostly caucasians) that move from the inner cities where there are mostly African Americans to new homes in the suburbs where there are more caucasians.
~What is gentrification?
A process in which low cost neighborhoods are renovated and there is an increase in property values.As a result wealthier residents replace prior residents.

Anonymous said...

I mean 5 poppin 6 droppin blood lova crip killa see a crip kill a crip watch my favorite color drip 031 tree top

Anonymous said...

jonathan>This is happening in my neighborhood right now, there building houses and moving out the poor by raising rent on th apartments they are making rent drop for the whites to move in. They are trying to get rid of the colored folks

Anonymous said...

joseph is gay and his mom looks good

*Tamikah* said...

~What is white flight?
White flight is a term for upper class and middle class Americans(mostly caucasians) that move from the inner cities where there are mostly African Americans to new homes in the suburbs where there are more caucasians.
~What is gentrification?
A process in which low cost neighborhoods are renovated and there is an increase in property values.As a result wealthier residents replace prior residents.

*Tamikah* said...

~What is white flight?
White flight is a term for upper class and middle class Americans(mostly caucasians) that move from the inner cities where there are mostly African Americans to new homes in the suburbs where there are more caucasians.
~What is gentrification?
A process in which low cost neighborhoods are renovated and there is an increase in property values.As a result wealthier residents replace prior residents.

Anonymous said...

Gentrification- the buying and renovation of houses and stores in deteriorated urban neighborhoods by upper- or middle-income families or individuals, thus improving property values but often displacing low-income families and small businesses.

White Flight-the movement of whites, especially middle-class whites, from neighborhoods undergoing racial integration.

These terms tie in with the article in many diffrent ways. One, the article talked about african american people moving into the harlem section of manhattan. And how the increase of population was extremely big. White flight occured here because the article said that white peole did'nt want african american neighbors. And also gentrification becasue the buildings would be renovated to kick the black man out, finacially wise. Also the diffrence in reant was diffrent for each race. African amercians would sometimes pay up to double for the same apartment as a white pesron.

-Roberto Donaire