Monday, January 08, 2007

GENERAL - Allusion: Icarus

Now that we're more comfortable identifying and analyzing allusions, let's look together at the title of chapter fifteen of Malcolm X. This chapter is called "Icarus." Who was Icarus in classical mythology? To whom does this allusion apply in the book? (More than one answer may be corret here.) How well does the allusion fit? Is Alex Haley justified in giving the chapter this title?

As before, you'll need to do a little web research in order to make an informed decision and to support your opinion. Wikipedia may be a good start, but there are many other sources that will provide the required information. Be sure to craft your answer into a well-constructed paragraph of at least six sentences.


Anonymous said...

icarus was supposidly a man who made a pair of wings for himself to fly to the sun and when he finally did reach the sun his wings were burned off.In the book

Anonymous said...

jonathan said....Icarus was famous for falling to his death
and drowning in the sea from fly to close to the sun with wings that helid up with wax that melted. He is comparing this to malcolm because he had a dream to go far and prove people wrong but as he was drawing near they crushed him. And has falling and now drowning in his sorrows.

Anonymous said...

jesus morales: i think that the allussion is toward mr. muhammed and that mr. muhaamed is so jealous and as his jealousy increases towards malcom mr. muhammed commits a sin which leads to his downfal.

Anonymous said...

Jonathan adds....When i talk about him being crushed is tha the media changes his words and mixes with untruthful things instead of telling about the important things and this is melting his wings.

Anonymous said...

Icarus was famous for his death by falling into the sea when he flew too close to the sun, melting the wax holding his artificial wings together. This allusion applies to Malcomlm in the book. This allusion fits because Malcolm in a certain time in his life and in his own kind of way wants to fly. Also Icarus was flying to get out of jail and Malcolm wats to get out of jail.Yes, Haley is justify in giving the chapter this title.


Anonymous said...

In classical mythology Icarus was son of Daedalus, he was famous for his death because he fell into the sea when he flew to close to the sun. The allusion in the book best applies to Mr. Mahammed because his pride is so high that sooner or later it will become his weakness and his fall. I think that Alex Haley was justified in giving this chapter this title.

Angela belizario

*Tamika*Dime D!v@ said...

Icurus was a little boy who's story turned out to be a tradgedy because of his hubris. Icarus and his father made wings to fly and escape from a tower on Crete.They made their wings with wax and feathers.Icarus' father told him not to fly to high in the sky or the wings would be destroyed.Icarus did not listen and went too far up in the sky and his wings were destroyed.Chapter fifteen of Malcolm X was named Icarus because Malcolm was also in prison and he was trying to think up a successful scheme to escape prison just like Icarus.

Anonymous said...

Icarus was a man who supposidly made a pair of wings for himself so that he could be able to fly tio the sun, but when he got to close to the sun his wings where burned off.The book reffered to Malcolm as Icarus because Malcolm is being colse to the sun cause the sun is a star so they are going to say since he is becoming a star he might die. Because when you are a star most people trend to be jealous of you. So that is why I think Alex Haley preffered Malcolm X to Icarus.

Matthew Bowers

Anonymous said...

Icarus was a man who supposidly made a pair of wings for himself so that he could be able to fly tio the sun, but when he got to close to the sun his wings where burned off.The book reffered to Malcolm as Icarus because Malcolm is being colse to the sun cause the sun is a star so they are going to say since he is becoming a star he might die. Because when you are a star most people trend to be jealous of you. So that is why I think Alex Haley preffered Malcolm X to Icarus.

Matthew Bowers

Anonymous said...

Malcolm is Icarus and the hand made wings is the name he made for himself.Now the process of flying towards the sun is his rise towards power in the black muslim community.The sun is Muhammad and Malcolm was getting to close to his level so malcolm had to get burned.Now the when icarus fell out the sky can be compared to when Malcolm by:kevern

angel said...

icarus was son of Daedalus, famous for his death by falling into the sea when he flew too close to the sun melting the wax holding his artificial wings together.icarus was improsined in a tower by the king before icarus flew off his father daedalus told him do not fly to high my son the damp will clog your wings
so they both flew off when they flew of they passed samos a city delos and lebyonths icuarus flew to high so his wings mwlted his father buried the body of icarus and called the land Icaria in memory of his child to me the comparsion to malcom is that malcom made his own wings to fly out of jail like icarus he started on islam and like icaris flew passed samos delos and lebonyths malcom flew passed roxbury harlem and michgian malcom flew to high because he was well known had alot of respect and had alot of fllowers so his wings melted like icarus malcom died and had a street called malcom x boulevard to rember him just like icaurs malcom had his little land named

Anonymous said...

Icarus was the son of Daedalus. He was famous for his death, falling into the sea when his wings melted because he flew to close to the sun. This relates to Malcolm in chapter 15 because he wants to escape prison just like Icurus but he wants to make it in a way that he doesn't get caught.


Anonymous said...

icraus was famous for creating wings out of wax him and his father made the wings out of wax and he told him to fly but be careful and dont fly to high so he didnt listen so he flow so high that he went to close to the sun and his wings melted

Anonymous said...

jennifer wrote dat ^^^^^^6

Anonymous said...

According to Greek mythology, Icarus was a man who made his wings out of wax and supposedly flew a little to close to the sun and his wings melted. Therfore, he fell into the sea and drowned.
In Malocolm X, Alex Haley names one of the chapters "Icarus". I think he is justified correctly because Icarus learned a lesson and ended up somewhere where he wanted to be, now Malcolm on the other hand also ended up in jail. Like Icarus ended up dead Malocolm ended up in jail with a lesson to be learned.

-Janelis Munoz

Anonymous said...

According to Greek mythology, Icarus was a man who made his wings out of wax and supposedly flew a little to close to the sun and his wings melted. Therfore, he fell into the sea and drowned.
In Malocolm X, Alex Haley names one of the chapters "Icarus". I think he is justified correctly because Icarus learned a lesson and ended up somewhere where he didn't wanted to be, now Malcolm on the other hand also ended up in jail. Like Icarus ended up dead Malcolm ended up in jail with a lesson to be learned.

-Janelis Munoz

Anonymous said...

in the book alex is comparing the book to malcum because malcum does drugs and he is bascially saying that if he keeps on going the way he is going he gonna end up falling down hill and that what happen to ircaus...............jennifer wrote this

Anonymous said...

i think that icarus represents malcolm and the sun represents drugs and the closer icarus got to the sun the closer malcolm got to drugs and i think that daedalus represented shorty .

lewry castillo

Anonymous said...

>>> TAMARA icarus is the son of deadalus he died by falling in to the sea because when he made his wings he flew to close to the son.this is compared to chapter 15 because maolcolm wanted to get away in life so it was like if he was tryin to sore for bigger and better things but got caught in the wromg direction and as time pasted it got worst and all the flyin was over so it was like he died to of gettin to close to the sun but his worst fears were in jail. so its compared to malcolm himself.

Anonymous said...

In Greek mythology,Icarus he was son of Daedalus. In the Myth, famous for his death by falling into the sea when he flew too close to the sun. The allusion applies to Malcolm X by his connection to Elijah Muhammad. He thought that he was going to be in a higher position than Elijah, but it's not like that. He proberly thought he could reach something that no one has reached before, and didnt listen to the others. I think it is a good conection to the allusion.

Anonymous said...

Genesis Salazar

Icarus was son of Daedalus, Icarus was imprisoned with his father in the tower of crete and his father, to plan thier escape from the tower created wings for himself and his son which were made out of feathers and wax but then when they were flying towards the sky the rays of the sun soften the wax and he fell into the sea and died.I think Icarus might represent Malcolm and Deadalus represent Elijah Muhammad.Because Elijah Muhammad was practically the one who tough malcolm about islam and now that malcolm is practically famous for workshiping and preaching islam elijah is jealous .

Anonymous said...

Icarus was a famous man in Greek mythlolgy and his story he was he was trapped on an island and he wanted to escpae so he wanted to figure out a way to get off the island.Icarus decided to make wings so he can fly so him and his fahter made the wings together. Icarus got in over his head and he flew so high that he got to close to the sun and his wings melted. That pretty much says he was way overwelmed!!!!!!! So that means that in the book Malcoln X by Alex Haley he was trying to say that Malcoln got in over his head by doing all the bad things he knew he was not supposed to.Malcoln always stayed high and he was on the drugs and in the end he always fell because he was in trouble for his ways and he thought it was okay to follow others!!!!!!!!! People should never bite off more than they can chew!!!

Its Adriana Rodriguez!!!!

Anonymous said...

icarus was son of Daedalus, famous for his death by falling into the sea when he flew too close to the sun, melting the wax holding his artificial wings together.

I think Alex Haley compares this to Malcolm because Malcolm had dreams that he would go very far and that people would listen to him and view his point of view but then that didnt happen people crushed all his dreams and it just didnt work.

Jessica Jimenez

~iSaBeL~ said...

Icarus was the son of Daedalus. He made wings for his son and himself. He told Icarus not to fly up so high because the sun would melt the wings. Then, Icarus ended up dying because he didnt listen to his father and soared all the way up to the sky. This is related to the Malcolm X because he started gaining so much fame and glory, he started falling back down again. Its as if Daedalus is Elijah Muhammad, Icarus is Malcolm X and Islam is the sun. Malcolm was getting stronger with Islam until, he started to go down...

Anonymous said...

Icarus was a man who made himself a pair of wings to fly to the sun. We he tried to do so theyb were burned off. Deadalus is Icarus's FATHER. In this case malcolm would be Icarus because he is determined to excape from jail and thinks that theres a good chance that he wont get caught.His success will also be put in the way of that. The fact that he is well known because of the work thathe has done says it all. It also says that if he goes to high in his preachings something bad is bound to come out of it.Similar to Icarus, when he was given the warning not to fly too close to the sun and he thoght that he new wat he was doing ,when he really didn't.Daedalus would be shortie(malcolms old friend). I feel this way because shortie is the one who pursuaded malcolm to do many things, one of which is to smoke.So he sort of played the father figure in his life.He thoght that he was showing Malcolm the right of the way. these are some of the many reasons why this character is being seen as an allusion to malcolm. catina

Anonymous said...

Icarus was imprisoned with his father in a tower.His father tried to escape prison but could not leave becaue he couldnt leave the island by sea. Icarus was known for by the cause of his death because he was falling into the sea which so happen he flew to close to the sun.
This relates to Malcolm because Malcolm was his own person at one point until he had met shorty and began to get screwed up in the head just like how Icarus father did to him ended up in prison and thats exactly what happen to Malcolm. They both wanted 2 leave prison. And now that Malcolm had left prison, they say for him not to get to close to the sun because then he will fall down like Icarus did.

Justine Rodriguez