Hey students! Look at the following quote by William Shakespeare:
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts."
This quote comes from one of Shakespeare's comedies called As You Like It. It's one of my favorites. For today's journal entry, I'd like you to do the following:
- Say what you think this quote means. What might Shakespeare mean by "exits?" "Entrances?" Playing "many parts?"
- State whether you agree or disagree with Shakespeare's quote as you have interpreted it. In essence, is all the world a stage?
- State some of the "parts" you have played thus far in your life.
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People in life have many oportunities but there is only one chance to take it. When shakespeare says the world is a stage he means that if u dont take the stage your oportunity would never come.
Willam Shakespeare says "All the worlds a stage,and all the men and women merely players.They have their exits and entrances and one man in his time plays many parts.To me this quote means that the world is a place a place where u have good times and bad times a time where u laugh where u cry where u get mad sad and feel bad etc just like the plays and the men and women are merely players that means to me that the men women are actors in this world and wat Shakespeare means by "they have there exits and entrances the entrances is when someody is born a new life.the exits is when somebody dies
I believe when Shakesphere say's "All the world is a stage", signifies that the world is basically the stage of life/Earth. All men and woman are merely the players having entrances and exits is the way of life, men and woman die which are the exits of the stage and when birth occurs that shows the entrances to the stage. He's basically portraying the world to be a theater in which people are characters which don't last forever they may have to leave based on uncertain circumstances there will always be another to take it's place. "Everytime someone dies another is born."
By:Crystal Salas
In my opinion shakespeare means that in the world everybody has a specific role that they follow in life just like in a play.I think that what shakespeare is trying to say when he mentions entrances and exits he means is that it comes a time when a person has to step back or in to anything that may be goin on in life.I think that when he says parts in life he means the job that a man and a women contribute to society.i agree with this quote because i really feel that this really applies to real life scenarios. carlos
To me this quote means that the world we live in is just a role that we have to play like if on stage, and that everyone is involved with it. I think exits means an ending to a chapter in a person's life and I think entrances means a new beginning. I think many parts is the different roles and the different actions people take upon during their lifetime. From the way that I have interpret this quote, I completely agree with it. I do believe the world is a stage and that everyone has to play different roles in order to succeed in life. Some "parts" that I have played in my life is being a very mature young lady, being the "smart" child, and being a "good" big sister to my little brother. These are just a few of the parts that I have played in my life in order to impress and succeed.
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts."
This quote comes from one of Shakespeare's comedies called As You Like It. It's one of my favorites. For today's journal entry, I'd like you to do the following:
Say what you think this quote means. What might Shakespeare mean by "exits?" "Entrances?" Playing "many parts?"
State whether you agree or disagree with Shakespeare's quote as you have interpreted it. In essence, is all the world a stage?
State some of the "parts" you have played thus far in your life.
-What I think the quote means by exits and entrances is ups and downs sometimes you might achieve things sometimes you might have to work a little harder.
-I agree with the quote.
-Yes, the world is a stage because you have this one character and you have to go through so many things and so many challenges.
-Well so far I have played a lot of different parts in my life like being the one everybody looks up too, beings the one evrybody looks down too.Ups and downs.
-Jessica Jimenez
I think this quote is sayin that all the world is actin and performing which meanin everyone is fake. All they can do is act and make a show either if they want attention or not they act like they in a play.
Tamara>>I think this quote means that life is put in the way you bulid it there are many obstacles you have to overcome in order to have the life that you dream of. i think shakespeare might mean that there are many things in life to do in order to find what is it that you want like for instants you have to try things out and if you dont like it you exit it out of your way and enter in too a new entrance in life.
I strongly agree with this quote because you have to do what it takes to become sucessful in life. yes i believe the world is a stage a part i played is become a sucessful student in order to obtain my goals and dreams. The world is like a game you have to work hard for what you want in life.
I think that by using this quote Shakespeare presents life as a role played on stage.In this quote the exits are the ending of the chapters of your life and the entrance is the beginning of a new chapter.The fact thet one man can play many parts means that every chapter in your life asigns you a different character. I deeply agree with this quote,life is a play you make of your own life and interest. So far in my life i have played the role of a big sister,oldest daughter, and a high school student.
Angela Belizario
I think this quote is sayin that all the world is actin and performing which meanin everyone is fake. All they can do is act and make a show either if they want attention or not they act like they in a play.
When Shakespeare mentions how all men and women have exits and entrances and everyone plays a part, I think he means that everyone has something going on in their life and when they play that part, there's always a start and and a ending to it. I agree with him because it's true what he is saying. When I play a part in my life it's usually dancing, so my entrance in dancing was joining a dance school but there hasn't been a exit yet. So yes I agree with Shakespeare's quote.
Justine Rodriguez
I think this qoute tells us that in todays world, the world does act like a stage. Everyone all over does act like an actor or actress. I think Shakespeare expresses the word "exits" and "entrances", meaning that when we are born, we enter the world and when we die we exit it. He may have also meant that as we live our lives today there are many places where we may come to find or end up leaving. We may start off chasing one particular dream but we may end up leaving it for another. There is always going to be an exit and entrances in our lives and when we reach them they will never exactly be similar. I agree with Shakespeare's qoute because I think that everyone that lives in todays world have their own roles just as actors do. Shakespeare took this qoute and turned it into something that meant a different meaning then what it sounds to be. After breaking down and analyzing this qoute we come to find that this qoute does relate to everyone in their own special way. I would have to agree that the world is a stage where people have many roles. The "parts" that I play in today's world is a daughter, student, friend, sister, and girlfriend.
In my opinion Shakespeare means that in the world everybody has a specific role that they follow in life just like in a play.I think that what Shakespeare is trying to say when he mentions entrances and exits he means is that it comes a time when a person has to step back or in to anything that may be goin on in life.I think that when he says parts in life he means the job that a man and a women contribute to society. I agree with this quote because I really feel that this really applies to real life scenarios. Carlos
I think This quote to me means that in life you can could threw a lot of ups n downs. That life aint perfect becuase if it was then something would be wrong. I think that it also means that females goes threw lots of emotionial problems and mentally as well. That goes for the guys as well but they are not as bad as us females. But with the exit and entrance part, I think that that means that as easy as you can be born which would be our entrance, and as easy it could be to exit out of this earth. Thats part of life. I think that you have to enjoy life while you are still living at the moment. I do agree with this quote, just because of the fact that i could relate to it, as well as any body else would too.
I think this quote means, in a person's life, one person goes through so many things that in every situation he acts a different part. One day he might be the victim, the next day he might be the villian, the day after that he might be the judge. It all depends on the situation he's facing. I agreed with this quote because no one person is always the same no matter what they're going through. Exits in this quote could mean death or when someone leaves your life. Entrances in this quote could mean birth or when someone enters your life. Playing many parts could mean the different angles of life. I believe the world is a stage but a stage without a script. No one knows what's going to happen today, tomorrow or the day after so people don't know what to expect. In life, I've played many parts. Like I've said, I've been the victim, the villian, the judge and the attacker.
I would say this quote means, Throughout shakespear, men and women play important roles in life. Throughout life men play the most parts because its there job to be more prepared than women...they can also be equals. i think when the quote describes "Entrances" i think they mean the beggining of everyones life, and first starting out. The "Exits" are people who give up on something andwalking out on life. Playing "many parts" is being responsible.. and "my parts" throughout my life is to work hard to achieve what i want.
- Stephanie Ramos
I believe when Shakesphere say's "All the world is a stage", signifies that the world is basically the stage of life/Earth. All men and woman are merely the players having entrances and exits is the way of life, men and woman die which are the exits of the stage and when birth occurs that shows the entrances to the stage.The roles that the characters play are basically the stages in life that they have gone through whether it be fatherhood, motherhood, being a student,or being a child, etc. He's basically portraying the world to be a theater in which people are characters which don't last forever they may have to leave based on uncertain circumstances there will always be another to take it's place. "Everytime someone dies another is born."
By:Crystal Salas
To me this quote means, is that in everybody's life people come and go and that in everybody's life, people get into many situations in which that person's play a different role. Also it have's to do with the situation in which your in. You could be either the victim, judge, witnesss etc. What he means when he sais exit, it means that either you getting away from somebody, or somebody is dying. When he enters is either somebody new was born or somebody special is coming to our life for a better of us, and because that person haves an specific purpose in our life. I agree with this quote because it true many times in life i play different situations depending on the problem i'm.
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts."
This was said by William Shakespeare, in my opinion this means that everything you do in life has an effect on what you turn out to be, and who you are in life. Everyone "exits and enters" this means that u go into jobs and have your high moments, but theres also the times where its not always the best time. "And one man in his time plays many parts." this means that you do many things in your life time. I agree with this quote. sandy
When Shakespear made this quote, he was basically trying to say that life comes with many different obsatcles. Some in which are good,while others are not so good. It is apart of life and its something that we as people have to deal with. When Shakespear metioned the "world as a stage" he was talking about life. When he stated the difference between "entrances" and "exits" he was talking about life being the entrance and death being the exits. Last but not least, when he stated the many different players and the parts they play, he was talking about lifes obstacles and the people who face them. So when he came up with this qote he was basically trying to explain life in a way that no one else could. I agree with this statment. Only because in my life there are many things that happen in which I cant control. I just have to except it and learn to deal with it. Right now I play many parts. Im about to be an aunt. I have to finish school to better myself, I've played the role of the eldest one out of my sisters even though I am the middle child. I have to be responsible and maintain a good heart to get where i want to be. CATINA
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts."
1:Say what you think this quote means. What might Shakespeare mean by "exits?" "Entrances?" Playing "many parts?"
I think this quote means that men and women have thier ups and downs,and they do everything they can do to change.
2:State whether you agree or disagree with Shakespeare's quote as you have interpreted it. In essence, is all the world a stage?
Yes I do agree with shakespeare's quote even though my interpretation may be incorrect,Is all the world a stage?Well yes all the world is a stage because we are role players like being brothers,sister,lover,ETC...,and we act through out our life
This means that men and weman can choose to leave and enter if they want.But one man has so many parts meaning that he crave for attention and does everything to get it.I agree with this quote because when things are sometimes boring people leave.But some women would like to do or watch things that a man would not watch.and the men do or watch something or anything that a woman cant.
I dont know any parts that i played.
By Michael Watkis
I think that Shakespeare's quote is trying to say that the Earth itself is a stage, especially the people that are liars. I think that the "exit" is when the person stops acting in a certain way to protect themselves. I belive that the "entrance" is when the person that's lying starts to make up things and makes other people believe it. The "many parts" are the lies that they use (probably daily) to turn around things into the way the liar wants it. I strongly agree with Shakespeare's quote because its true; everybody has lied at least once. I consider it acting.
Everybody has played a "part" sometime during their life span. I think its a natural, common thing.
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