Monday, September 04, 2006


Welcome to Mr. Rolapp's Collaborative Class Journal.

Unlike in a traditional English class, students in Mr. Rolapp's Honors Cyber American Literature will do their journaling via this online blog. Mr. Rolapp will post a journal prompt to the main page of this site. Then, students will post their responses as "comments." Parents, teachers, and administrators, you're welcome to post too.

Remember, this is a public forum. Anything you write at this bog can be seen by the world. Therefore, you must refrain from writing anything offensive on these pages.

Happy blogging!

1 comment:

Catherine Reilly said...

Think about our history as a country.
Do you htink there is any such thing as "American Food"? Where do we all come from..originally...our ancestors???
I wonder about where our foods orginated?? Don't you?
Hot Dogs....Germany
Chicken.....chicken is eaten all voer the world
Fast Food....What country doesn' t have fast food????
Think about it