Monday, January 08, 2007

GENERAL - Elijah Muhammad - Job or Icarus?

Now that you've read chapter 16, you are aware of how Elijah Muhammad has also had a "fall." (If you haven't read chapter 16, now might be a good time to do so.) We've studied how Alex Haley has made allusions to both the Bible and Greek Mythology, comparing Malcolm to Job and Icarus. Now, I'd like you to draw some parallels of your own. How does Elijah Muhammad's story relate to the stories of Job and Icarus? Think hard and draw some deep parallels. Answer in at least two fully formed paragraphs.



ANGEL said...
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Anonymous said...

*Isabel R*

Elijah Muhammad, Icarus and Job were all similar to each other because of their life experiences. As Icarus, Elijah received a pair of wings from W.D. Fard. His popularity grew so much, he started to go down and lose his fame when the media discovered that he slept around with girls.
As Job, he was put to the test. He was the Messenger of Allah. He was a very religious man that helped establish the Temples around the country. But, since the rumors about him having sex with other women, people started to lose their interest in this religion. Malcolm said that "a man’s accomplishment in his life outweighs his personal weakness." Elijah said that he must fulfill these things in life "as the fulfillment of prophecy." So that means that he must do these bad things, the same way Job suffered for God.

ANGEL said...

ejiah muhammad icarus and job are all compared i agree they all should be but by the story of icarus icarus is given wings aind is told not to fly to high that if he flies to high his wings will get burned and icarus didnt listen he flew high and he ended in a tradegy just like job and ejaih ok job is given wings by god and the devil to see wat job will do jobs goodness flew him to high and he got burnt by his sickness he loses his wealth and loses his childeren thats how job got burnt and eneded in a tradegy ejiah is given wings by allah and the nation of islam his jealously and power flew him to high and he got burnt he had so much power he tryed to abuse it with the jealously with malcom an example is the magazine ejaihs son publishes the magazine is ablout islam and muslims but ejaih said that malcom shouldnt be in any article and he isnt malcom shouldve been in every article in that magazine in my opinion ejiah was so jealous that he even started rumors about malcom like malcom thinks he is mr big shit from coast to coast and alor other rumors ejiah got so jealous he even betrayed the nation of islam by getting drunk stealin another man wife and also he laid his daughters mr ejaih muhamed compred himself to david noah and lot he did all those things thats how jealous he got he got very sick also thatrs how ehiah got burned and his wings melted by his jealouslyall these 3 ended in a tradegy